Tutorial ======== The original Nodebox tutorial pages are an excellent introduction to the concepts that you'll also find in Shoebot. * `Introduction `_ -- generative art, computational design, and getting started * Basics - `Environment `_ -- the basics about the Nodebox working environment - `Primitives `_ -- command parameters and drawing shapes - `Graphics state `_ -- how shapes can be rotated and transformed * Data - `Variables `_ -- saving values and reusing them - `Lists `_ -- sequences of variables - `Strings `_ -- manipulating and working with text * Strategy - `Repetition `_ -- doing things over and over - `Commands `_ -- creating custom behaviors - `Classes `_ -- more advanced coding concepts - `Libraries `_ -- going beyond the core * Specifics - `Animation `_ - `Interaction `_ -- working with the keyboard and mouse - `Color `_ -- grasping color objects - `Math `_ -- geometry and other applied math concepts * Bézier Paths - `Paths `_ -- the basics of Béziers - `Manipulating paths `_ -- tweaking points on a path - `Path Mathematics `_ finding points in a path, inserting new ones - `Path Filters `_ applying effects on a path - `Compound paths `_ -- path operations (unsupported?) - `Clamping paths `_ -- limiting paths to a box (unsupported?) * Advanced - `Console `_ We've omitted the tutorials that relate to Mac-specific details or non-implemented features (like Psyco support). See the `Nodebox tutorial page `_ for all of them.