Using with other tools ====================== This section is aimed at Python dabblers and hackers who want to get into the more involved features of Shoebot. Using Shoebot as a Python module -------------------------------- Shoebot can be easily loaded as a module inside a Python script. .. code-block:: python import shoebot # set up a canvas bot = shoebot.create_bot(outputfile="output.svg") # size() needs to be called first bot.size(400,400) # now we can draw! bot.rect(10,10,100,100) # finish() should be called after all drawing commands bot.finish() Take a snapshot of the current state: .. code-block:: python bot.snapshot("snap.png") Run a Shoebot/Nodebox script: .. code-block:: python"") Running in Jupyter ------------------ `Jupyter notebooks _` are fantastic, and Shoebot runs pretty well inside them! First, you need to have Jupyter installed, as well as the development version of Shoebot. Using ``virtualenvwrapper`` for this is heavily recommended. .. code-block:: bash # create the virtualenv mkvirtualenv jupytershoebot -p $(which python3) # install jupyter dependencies pip3 install jupyter jupyter-pip # clone the Shoebot repository, enter it and install git clone cd shoebot python3 install After ensuring both packages are available, install the extension after cloning the `jupyter-shoebot `_ repository: .. code-block:: bash # leave the shoebot/ dir cd .. # clone the jupyter-shoebot repository, enter it and install git clone cd jupyter-shoebot python3 install And finally, while still on the ``jupyter-shoebot/`` directory, run .. code-block:: bash jupyter kernelspec install shoebot_kernel --sys-prefix All done! Now you can run ``jupyter notebook``, go to the ``Kernel`` menu, select ``Change kernel`` and select ``Shoebot``. Be sure to try the `notebook examples _` in the Jupyter Shoebot repository. Running with PyPy ----------------- To get better performance, you can run Shoebot using PyPy3, which is experimental. When installing Shoebot, you have to point to PyPy3 when creating your virtualenv. Instead of the first command in the :ref:`Virtualenvwrapper install example `, do: .. code:: bash mkvirtualenv shoebot -p $(which pypy3) For the plain virtualenv approach, try: .. code:: bash virtualenv .env -p $(which pypy3) Using with Django ----------------- See the `shoebot-django `_ for an example of integrating Shoebot into a Django application.